ALOP Powerholders' Virtual Meditation


By ALOP Team

Join us for the weekly ALOP Powerholders' Virtual Meditation: LunchHour Power Meditation, where powerholders come together to refresh, relearn, and recharge during their busy workdays. This engaging online session is designed specifically for professionals seeking to enhance their mental clarity and emotional resilience.

Why Attend?

Take a moment away from your daily tasks to focus on your well-being. This meditation session allows you to step back, breathe, and reconnect with your inner self. Boost your productivity by dedicating just a short time to meditation, you can significantly improve your focus and productivity for the rest of the day. Studies show that meditation helps clear the mind, making way for creative solutions and improved decision-making. This session emphasizes mindfulness, helping you to stay present and engaged in your work. Mindfulness practices can enhance your ability to manage stress and respond thoughtfully to challenges.

What to Expect

Guided Meditation: Each session features a guided meditation led by experienced facilitators. You’ll be taken through techniques that promote relaxation and mental clarity.

 The session is designed to fit seamlessly into your lunch hour, lasting approximately 30 minutes. This makes it easy to integrate into your busy schedule without feeling overwhelmed.

Learn practical meditation techniques that you can apply in your daily routine to manage stress and enhance your overall well-being.

How to Join

Date: Wednesdays 12-1 PM EST

Time: 12 Noon to 1PM EST

Location: Online 

Sessions are adapted from ALOP