Creative Governance: The Law of Strategy


By ALOP Team

 I want to talk to you about the law of strategy, particularly the section that discusses creative governance. Every power holder must understand the law regarding creative governance, especially in this day and age.

Often, when we talk about justice, creativity is not a consideration. When we think of judges, justices, juries, lawyers, and advocates, creativity isn't the first thing that comes to mind. However, it is important to explore the creative side of these individuals. For example, an advocate must creatively explain or explore the circumstances surrounding a case to present it to the jury or judge effectively.

Similarly, a judge must be open to creativity. If a judge exhibits bias, whether implicit or explicit, they won’t fully understand the circumstances of the case. They will simply adhere to the letter of the law without considering the broader context, which is crucial for delivering justice.

The same applies to business leaders like CEOs, CTOs, COOs, or managers running day-to-day operations. The success of an organization often comes down to a history of judgment calls. As I mentioned earlier, success is the result of the average of all the decisions you've made over time. If bad judgments outweigh good ones, failure will follow. But if good judgments outweigh the bad, you will find success.

It's important to marry creativity with justice. In an organization, you may have processes and rules in place, but creativity is vital when making decisions. For example, if a competitor lowers their price, you might think you should also lower yours. But instead of reacting instinctively, it's crucial to fully understand the situation. Why are they lowering their price? Is there a challenge in the supply chain? You must have full context before making a decision.

Creativity helps in these situations, and sometimes you may need to deviate from the standard operating procedure (SOP). However, you can't deviate effectively unless you understand the SOP and the full context of the situation you're dealing with.

Allow your creative side to flow. Don't block out options just because the law or rules are in place. Be open, and when you open up to creativity, you'll find numerous ways to resolve challenges.

I hope you've found this helpful, especially regarding the law of strategy and creative governance, as well as the connection between creativity and justice. I'lll catch you in the next one. Thank you.

Read the concepts of the Laws of Creativity and Law of Strategy  in the Ancient Laws of Power Book